Last night, as it seems has become my evening ritual, I was watching the History channel. At some point, a program came on detailing the steps that would be taken by the American government should a nuclear device of at least ten kilotons be detonated in a major American city (in the case of the show, Washington D.C.). It detailed all that it could on the DEFCON and COGCON systems that have been enacted in order to keep the government from falling into anarchy, and to preserve as much life as is possible. While that's all fine and good, I couldn't help be compare the COG (Continuity of Government) system to the system used to preserve humanity in the anime Blue Gender; consider those not of governmental importance to already be dead, and shoot through them if it means accomplishing your goals.
It's rather sickening how the elected officials get top priority over the people who actually elect them. Kinda makes you wonder if people who vote realise that basically all they're doing is deciding which people's lives take priority over their own. This is not, however, the reason why I bring this particular program up. From the very beginning of this (and other History Channel specials on relatively awful things that could befall the human race), I couldn't help but wish that it actually would happen. Call me insensitive, but I think a massive catastrophe such as a nuclear detonation would add some interest to this otherwise mundane world in which the government wallows in their own paranoia that something disastrous might happen that would prevent them from being the high and mighty power they are. If anything else, at least a nuclear weapon would actually be getting some use; as they are currently, a nuclear arsenal is merely a way that a country can proclaim that their dick is bigger than some other country. They're not being used, there are no plans for them to ever be used, and human "morality" has otherwise proclaimed their use to be taboo. There is no conceivable reason for any military force to have them, other than to provide extra leverage when they feel like waving their stick at another nation.
So, in my opinion, either blow some city to kingdom come with them (because, lets face it, that's all they're really good for), or dismantle them and get off your high horse already. As they are currently, sitting in silos gathering dust until the alleged governmental equivalent of the Easy Button is pushed, the only thing coming of them is paranoia that another nation that isn't the United States is going to acquire them. And why would they want to do that? Because they don't like the idea that people can sit there and point an atomic bomb at them, and all they've got to fight back with are a few outdated guns and maybe a stinger missile or two. And people wonder why America is hated...
So, I will sit, and I will wait for the "inevitable" point in which America gets attacked with a nuclear weapon. At least then we'll finally get to see our fears realised.
And now, I leave you with some words from Jack the Ripper as heard in the movie From Hell:
"No man amongst you is fit to judge the mighty art that I have wrought. Your rituals are empty oaths you neither understand nor live by. The Great Architect speaks to me. He is the balance where my deeds are weighed and judged... not you."