The lesson itself was a simple one, though I'm beginning to delve deeper into arguments and their form; this weekend requires me to pick apart arguments and diagram them in terms of what premises relate to which sub-conclusions and how the whole picture whittles down to the main conclusion. I'm a tad nervous about it, as it does not look easy in the least, but I'm sure I'll be fine. In the end, it's really just math, right?
In an effort to step away from the decidedly blah feeling that gets imposed by abnormal-lower-garments Wednesday, I went the opposite direction and wore my Dereon Royale Strap sneakers, possibly some of the most obnoxious shoes in my closet. Given that I don't really have a lot that goes with neon green, I opted for my Green Lantern shirt and hoped for the best. Former-raver James was the first to comment on them, pretty much saying "I like your style." Next up was Plant Two's head of Quality, Anita, who stopped mid-sentence to say, "Those are pretty wild.", next was Fred, who didn't say so much about the shoes as the whole ensemble, "You look like the real Green Lantern! Or like someone who plays for the Boston Celtics..." and, lastly, was of course Ash, "Why?"
I have a feeling Rob is going to hate these shoes xD