It's rare that I have dreams that I actually remember, so when I do have one, I'll probably stick it in here so I can remember it later.
It started out with me taking some sort of a skateboarding class that was likely being taught at my high school. I say this because it was taught by one of my high school gym teachers, and it seemed too small to be a college course (the fact that skateboarding generally isn't taught in school at all is irrelevant, as this was a dream). Anyhow, the goal of this class seemed to be to come up with four different skating runs (I think that's what they're called, I'm not much of a skater in reality), which were demonstrated to us at the beginning of each class, and then everyone in the class took turns trying the run on the course (which, oddly enough, was just a straight line with ramps and rails). If I remember correctly, this took place within the span of four days, which really didn't seem that short while I was dreaming it, but it seems kind of weird now that I think about it. I was able to do each run perfectly the first time through, so the class itself was sort of an "easy A".
After the conclusion of the class, there was a time lapse of sorts (don't you love when your dream skips over the unimportant parts?), and suddenly it was the next semester and I was taking the class again for whatever reason. I'd done the first two runs fine, and I could remember the fourth, but I was at current required to do my third run (which was referred to as "run 29" in the dream), but I couldn't remember what it was for the life of me, and I actually started to realise I knew nothing about skating. So, for some reason, I was able to stall to try and remember while my instructor proceeded to explain that your level of skill on a skateboard was directly proportional to how well you skated on the Golden Gate Bridge. According to him, a beginner can skate across the side railing over the entire bridge, intermediate can go up one of the cables, experienced can go up and over one of the support towers, and advanced could do the whole thing and then grind a cloud. That's some hardcore skating, if you ask me, and I'm kinda glad my alarm went off just then so I wouldn't have to prove that I was of beginner level.
Upon half-consciously oozing out of bed and turning my alarm off, I promptly returned to bed (which I always do), and fell back asleep. The dream continued, only I was now in some sort of martial arts class and the instructor and all the other students were all anime-styled animals. The current lesson was to punch a punching bag (which was really just a big cylindrical bag filled with what looked like the juices that come in shrink-wrapped steak, only blue), and then to let the bag come back and hit you. The punch itself was actually more of a side-chop with a padded hand-guard, and I think the actual point of the lesson was to get pissed off at the punching bag. I was standing in line waiting (I really wanted to do this for some reason... I guess I wanted to get pissed off at a punching bag), but the class was coming to an end and it looked like I wasn't going to be able to take my turn.
Suddenly, some sort of villain burst into the room and did something unfavourable and then dashed off, leaving the instructor (who was some sort of a bear or raccoon or something) to tell us to calm down and not do anything rash. Seeing as how this was me, I immediately flew off after him and was suddenly dressed like a Shinigami from Bleach, though I don't think I had a sword. Several other students followed me and we began trying to shoot the villain out of the air. After some time, the very unhappy instructor came flying after us yelling to calm down and get back to class, but I was too focused on shooting this guy down, so I kept right on going. That is, until the instructor did some sort of attack in which a big green energy wall shot up between me and the villain, in which case I was reluctantly forced back to the ground. This did not, however, deter
Uryuu Ishida (the Quincy, for those not familiar with Bleach) from using some sort of spirit-particle bladed weapon to smash through said wall and continue the pursuit.
At this point I woke up, and realised I should probably watch less anime before I go to bed.
... nah.