Wednesday, October 21, 2009

First Day of English

As I mentioned earlier, I started my English course today (just got back from it, in fact), and it turns out my professor is a bit of a nutter. The class as a whole is probably going to be pretty much the same as that corner you got assigned to your first day in math class back in high school; surrounded by people you don't really know, but you know the whole lot of you are going to be good friends by mid-semester. The class is pretty much the same deal... I think. There are fifteen of us in all, and we all had to pipe up at some point in the class, so the immediately social ones were brought to our attention straight away. There are a few of them that I suspect I'm not going to like much, but that's the way these things go.
As for the professor, well, she's a little on the loopy side. She's apparently half Irish, half Japanese, and her Irish heritage definitely shows through (whenever describing something one might do in their down time, the words "Having a Guiness" or "Having a beer" always seemed to come up). She's also very fidgety, which probably just comes from first-class jitters, but it was undoubtably somewhat distracting. She also has a llama that she takes great pride in, and takes every opportunity to dazzle us with their exploits (she drove down the freeway with it sticking its head through a car moon roof... I chuckled at the mental picture). Shortly after introducing herself, she proceeded to have the rest of the class say a little something about themselves; 'cept she didn't do it down the rows or however one might do that orderly-like. No, she's got a firm "never just call on someone" policy, because she apparently disliked that tactic back in school. Instead, she employs the ever popular "stare at people until they feel awkward" tactic, which pretty much leaves everyone to glance about with nervous amusement trying to surmise who will crack under the pressure and put a temporary halt to her psychological game of musical chairs. This whole process took up a great deal of the class period, but eventually everyone broke (or just spoke up to get it over with), and then we dove right into poetry.

God I hate poetry.

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