So, top news this entry: Nixie is now officially a model. I accompanied her to a photo shoot maybe a week or so ago, and when she received the photos from the photographer, she submitted them to a site called "Model Mayhem". She mentioned that it's a difficult site to get accepted into (I can't say one way or the other on that), and so congratulations are in order as she's finally getting some exposure. Let's hope it doesn't go to her head too much... heh.
Also this entry, zombies:

Went and saw Zombieland for the midnight showing on Friday (Thursday night, technically), and despite having to go to AMC to see it (moronic MJR doesn't bother with these things unless it's incredibly mainstream and guaranteed to be popular), it was friggin' amazing. Nixie also enjoyed it quite a bit, and we'll likely be seeing it again next week some time. Also learned that the extra two dollars and fifty cents extra you pay for AMC buys you more piece of mind. When the new twilight movie trailer came on (yes, I know it's a title, but the capitalisation is meant as a sign of respect... bahahahaha), Nixie responded with her usual extremely loud "boo", which at MJR is usually overpowered by the cheering of brain-dead, spoiled high school girls. At AMC, however, there was a very nice booing reverb that followed, and in one of the rows behind me was quite a memorable quote:
"I don't see why people hate that movie so much; it was truly one of the great comedies of 2009. That, and I managed to remind the entire theatre I was an asshole by laughing through the entire thing."
And so I learned that geeks who truly appreciate zombie movies go to AMC, and don't bother with MJR and their "clap along" theme song.
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