Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm Still In Existence

Though it's definitely not a typical one (not to mention the forty-eight hour week I just worked at the factory... and the fact that I get paid for a fifty-two hour one xD). I slept most of yesterday, from about ten in the morning to about ten-thirty at night, and then I spent the majority of the night with Nixie, since there was a Venture Bros. premiere last night. It occurs to me that I haven't really had much human contact outside of my fellow factory workers this past week, so for those who I'm in contact with on a fairly regular basis, you may find that I'm slightly more withdrawn than usual. It's all rather surreal, actually... feels like I've finally managed to reach the backstage of humanity.
Firstly, on the topic of the Venture Bros, I require some decent reference pictures of Triana Orpheus' friend Kim, as I'm having trouble discerning her outfit. I'd ask Doc Hammer, as he posted a rather useful D.I.Y. guide for Triana's outfit, but I suspect Kim is a little bit less based on anyone in real life. Regardless, if I'm to pull off the look for ACen, I'm going to need something to go off of in designing my costume; I can only get so much from Hank:
"Holy cow! look at my date, she's a super-villain! Possibly a Medusa. Dean, I am not kidding, she has ropes for hair and a shiny costume. Oh, no fair! She's wearing goggles! Told you she woulda dug my Batman costume, but no..."
SO, if any of yous guys has good reference (or just a sick fascination with seeing me dressed up as a hot cyber chick), let me know.
On the topic of being withdrawn, I visited the local mall recently after having avoided it for the past several months due to it going downhill back when Nixie was still working there (and I was unemployed still). It was an experience, to be sure, and not a very good one; aside from it being the same building, it's nothing at all how I remember it from my high school days. Hot Topic is just a shell of a store now, and it's full of people who wouldn't have been caught dead in it three years ago. It almost feels like a part of me died going in there... left me feeling awfully depressed, despite all my jeering at folks who looked like they'd bought the place out trying to be as goth as possible. Well, whatever... I've washed my hands of the place as of late, and I'm looking into getting more authentic goth/punk attire from the original companies in England and so forth (DogPile bondage pants are first on that list). Hopefully I'll be further withdrawn from society as a whole next time I go back there... it's kinda neat feeling like you're no longer expected to be a part of what's around you.
In the meantime, I've got work again tonight, which means I'll probably either be put on one of the seven machines I've been trained on, or they'll try me on two or three new ones that are sure to end up shut down at some point and I'll end up sweeping the rest of the night. Ah, factory life is fun...

1 comment:


    The latter isn't as well drawn, but seems more conceivable... well. Moreso then high heels and short skirts, but hey, maybe Nix would like that.

    There ya go. Pics. You might have seen most of these, but I figured I'd offer my help. After all... you'd make a cute chick, right? -Chuckles.-
