Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Joy REV-6

So, a long, long time ago I drew a picture of me holding two guns, one with the word "Joy" written on it, the other with "Satisfaction". At the time, I only had one Nerf Maverick REV-6, and realised that it would work good for the two gun setup. Now, a year and a half later, I've finally completed Joy:

Satisfaction is going to be the finalized version of the mods I've done to this gun (I've learned some stuff along the way), and it's going to be silver. I'll probably also make a Joy mk. 2 should the improvements I have in mind for Satisfaction work as I think they will.
Now, for the fun stuff; modifications include shaving the restrictor posts off of the swing-out mechanism to allow for easier loading of the turret, removing the air-restrictors, narrowing the plunger tube for increased pressure, stretching the plunger spring, locking the rotating mechanism slipper-clutch, relocating the trigger spring, and filling the AR space with foam and straws to further improve pressure. The range doesn't appear to have been greatly affected, at least not on all barrels (there are a couple that really launch the sonic darts far, though), but the power behind them is definitely greater and the accuracy has been improved.

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