Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Upside-Down Golden Arches?

It's been a little while since I last updated this, and with my new found wireless connectivity, I can now sit lazily on my bed and type out a blog, so here we go. Let me start by saying that I've been awake since about one this morning, and have spent the majority of that time watching anime (finished both Texhnolyze and Eat-Man '98 in that time frame, as well as getting a fair amount into Ranma 1/2). Now, as I've my first English class for the semester at five, I figured I ought to get to the gettin' on whatever it is I need to do to get prepared for class. During my anime watching, however, I began to notice that the McDonald's arches are probably the most frequent thing used to represent a fast food restaurant on screen (this goes for more than just anime, also; I noticed the golden arches towards the beginning of The Fifth Element as well). However, every anime I've ever seen use the arches always uses represents them as a W rather than an M, which I'm assuming has a lot to do with not wanting to pay McDonald's any licensing fees because they're richer than all git due to America's chronic obesity issue anyway. I guess all I'm really driving at here is that I had no idea how influential American fast food was on the Japanese culture.
As I can't seem to think up anything else really worth yammering about, I'll cut this short with a factoid I learned a little while back: People have driven on the right-hand side of their vehicles in Europe since the Roman Empire, when it was necessary to be able to strike an opponent from your chariot with a sword held in the right hand, whereas people in America drive on the left-hand side since that was where the brake was located on the covered wagons.

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