Tuesday, June 14, 2011

DPoSED Experiment: Day Fifteen

Yeah, workin' Saturday.  What a rush.  Woo.  That aside, I'm kind of starting to miss my weekends; maybe tomorrow I'll get to spend some "me" time, but for now, back to workin' for the man.
As seems to be the theme for these days working over, I slept in until a ridiculous hour in the afternoon (I suspect it has a bit to do with staying up until six in the morning when I get home, rather than just going straight to bed).  I also think it's starting to take its toll on me, as I was getting a bit more irritated today. Oh well, only one more day, then I can sleep and not have to worry about going in for twelve hours.
Work was relatively the same as it has been today; nothing was running particularly great, so despite my initial assessment that there were going to be a lot of breaks to give, a lot of machines ended up going down, which kind of dwindled my breaks-giving down to nothing.  This isn't always a great thing, when there's so little for me to do to begin with, and then all of a sudden I don't have breaks to eat up the time, either.  The day was decidedly dragging, so much so that I ended up trying to certify a skid of parts in my down time (this ended in me just not caring enough to finish, and so it was left for someone else to finish).
As midnight rolled around, I was starting to look forward to running a press, and I suspected it might be twenty-one again, as they'd been working to get it running all day.  Then it turned out that the dryer had been left on too high, and as such they were stuck with a massive chunk of unusable material that had to be chiseled out before they could hope to run it, so I was left to clean out a grinder so that the scrap that was coming off the machine when they finally did get it running could be ground up.  Not particularly fond of doing material-handler work, and I think my irritation that had been caused initially by me staying over two days in a row was just increased due to that.
I spent the rest of the night running twenty-two, as I was cranky, and stubbornly decided that I had done the floor work for my shift already, I had no interest in doing it for third shift, especially since they have their own floor person.  I really need sleep.
Since Ash had said that she wasn't going to be here on Monday, and that I should wear something that required me to change shoes for work, I opted to wear my Volatile sneakers, since they're comfortable and good for being on my feet at work all day.  That way I'd have a pair out of the way that I could use for work (since I'm allowed to wear a pair that I've previously worn on days that my shoes just aren't practical for work).
Too bad Ash decided she's coming in on Monday anyway...

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