Tuesday, June 14, 2011

DPoSED Experiment: Day Thirteen

Let me begin by explaining (at least a little) why it took me so long to update this.  By this point in the week, I was volunteering to stay over an extra four hours every night to help third shift keep up production, and as such, the time I would normally spend writing out a DPoSED update was instead spent at work, and then, directly after, sleeping.  Thus, I've kind of backlogged a lot of entries.  Hopefully, I can catch up on the weekends a little better now, but we'll see...

So, today was my last day of class for the week.  Kind of a quiet day, by usual standards, I suppose, but I guess I learned a bit.  Today we covered emotive statements and emotive value, which, in short, means that emotionally-charged arguments are usually so because they don't hold any real backing, and use the emotion they convey to make the one on the receiving end go along with the emotion, rather than the statement itself, thus concluding an argument.  It's an interesting concept, really, and one that I hope I can use to gain a better understanding of things around me.  If I can learn how to weed out the emotive statements and get to the base of an argument, maybe I can apply some logic to my situations.
On the topic of things that need logic applied to them, I really do need to figure out how I'm going to get myself caught back up on my assignments, because I don't think my weekend is going to cover it...
Today, I was requested by Ash to either "wear something exciting, or wear my purple TNBC shoes"  Since I wasn't feeling especially exciting today, I ended up going with my TNBC shoes. For the first half of my day (going to class and the subsequent errands I ran on the way home), I wore my older pair, which I've admittedly kinda worn into oblivion, and as such, decided I'd be nicer on my feet and wear my newer pair to work.
Work today was pretty cut and dry, honestly.  Not really a lot to do, aside from having to run press twenty-one when I stayed over, a press that had, originally, been run by two operators; I was a little peeved that I was running it by myself.  However, it ended up getting shut down at four, due to a lack of operators to run it, and so I was allowed to catch up all the tasks I was otherwise unable to complete while I was originally running it.
I think I'm going to stay on as floor person for a while longer; I'm definitely starting to get a routine down, despite it seeming like I can never get everything I need to get done done before I have to start breaks.  I'll get there eventually.

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