Tuesday, June 14, 2011

DPoSED Experiment: Day Sixteen

Ah, another Monday, though it didn't really feel like it.  I guess having a short weekend kinda does that to you.  I actually woke up early today, possibly on account of sleeping for ten hours yesterday (though I did get my errands run and so forth, so that's good), and walked to Robert's diner for some breakfast.  This is the same diner that I had to pick my parents up from on account of rain last time; there was no chance of rain today, so I figured a walk would be a safe bet.
I'd been wanting to check out the new bike trail that they built up in a nearby park, as well as the bridge that they put in over the Clinton River in the same park.  It's a shame they didn't have the path and bridge put in when I was younger; it would have served for a nice place to spend my childhood, rather than the decidedly blah park that I got to go to as a child.  Something about a river running through a park makes it more... pleasant.
Breakfast was a nice change, as I haven't eaten breakfast in god knows how long.  After I walked back home, I went back to sleep for a few hours (I got back home at ten thirty, and I didn't really have anything I really wanted to do today), then I was off to work.
I've got class again tomorrow, so I didn't stay over today; I suspect I'm not going to pull another sixty-hour week this week, as I got a bit too cranky last week.  It was sorta the same deal as I'd mentioned earlier; there was a lot running, but nothing really needed anything after I got it all stocked up in the first hour, and then several machines ended up going down, so I didn't really have a lot of breaks to give.  All in all a pretty boring day.
There are three new people on third shift now, one of which I've met in my staying over last week, the other two just started today.  None of them really strike me as people who are likely to stick around long, though you never can tell.  Maybe we'll get lucky; third shift desperately needs as many operators as they can get.
I decided to make this a boots week, and so I went with my clunky combat boots today.  Ash was definitely showing signs of sleep deprivation today, so I didn't get any commentary (she texted me later to let me know that she'd forgotten to look at all), but I don't know that I was really in the mood for any today.  I've been feeling kind of disconnected from people lately; probably something to do with all the time I've been spending by myself lately.
On a semi-related note, Nixie came home from Ludington today, and asked me to stop by and say hello after work.  It was bittersweet at best, but I'm supposed to have lunch with her tomorrow.  We'll see how it goes.

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