Tuesday, June 14, 2011

DPoSED Experiment: Day Seventeen

It just occurred to me, but I'm seventeen days into this thing... it's going by faster than I'd thought it would.  This is probably compounded by the fact that I keep doing four or five of these things at a time; much like my Logic homework, it keeps adding up.
Due to my internet failing me for some reason last night, I ended up starting a new game of Fable III, and that caused me to stay up until close to four in the morning again.  I woke up around eleven-twenty, and that would have caused me to be about ten minutes late for class, had I ended up going (I'm sure I'm going to hear it from Ash tomorrow when she reads that I skipped class again; I had the homework for today completed already, however).  Instead, I went to lunch at Max and Erma's with Nixie, which was nice in that I got to eat outside, but not so nice in that Nixie has pretty much convinced herself that I'm not the same person that I used to be, and she's desperate to get me to go back to that person.  It's troubling, and it makes it difficult when I think that she might be right; maybe I'm not so sure of myself any more.  It didn't particularly help with my detachment issue, at any rate.
Work was... well, work.  Floor wasn't especially hard today, though I did have a lot more breaks to give, and Mario also decided he wanted me to flame treat and paint 741's today in between breaks.  I only got the flame treating done, though, as we both hauled ass through two racks of them before I had to start the lunch breaks, and at that point my day kinda got away from me.  I suppose I should be pleased that it went by quickly, anyway.
Continuing with my boot theme, I went with a pair of No Boundaries combat boots today which, while similar to the ones I wore yesterday, are of decidedly lower quality, and so I didn't really worry about messing them up.  Also, wearing boots with a slight heel while working an eight hour shift has started to kill my feet... thank goodness I'm wearing normal shoes for work tomorrow.


  1. I have a pair of those boots. I bought them 15 years ago. Still have them and I love them. I only wear them in the winter, but they're finally starting to fall apart. Do you still have these boots?

  2. Wow, this was from about four years ago >.<
    Yeah, I still have them, in all their glued-back-together glory.
