Tuesday, June 14, 2011

DPoSED Experiment: Day Fourteen

Today was definitely a lazy friday.  I think I dragged myself out of bed at the crack of two (working over an extra four hours will do that to ya), with just enough time to shower and get off to work.  I was originally planning to go to work as a raver today, but as I lacked the sufficient time to get ready, I just went as the usual Ryan.
I planned to stay over for the next two days, since I had nothing planned for the following days, and, hey, a little overtime never hurt anyone.  My floor duties went pretty much as they have been lately, though I got to drive the trailer across the street to pick up packing supplies for the job that was planned to run on twenty-one today.  It was a sort of fun experience, I suppose; wouldn't protest if they asked me to do it again, though I suspect it's just because it's different from what I've been used to doing as an operator.  I'm contemplating asking Mac, the shipping guy, if he'll teach me how to operate a hi-lo if I come into work early.  He's been staying over pretty late after his shift, mostly do to being busy, so I suspect he won't have time, but it never really hurts to ask.
Staying over's been giving me the opportunity to keep my edge as an operator, as I get to be one for four hours out of the day.  I actually kind of look forward to the end of the day when I get to just sit at a machine and do one job without having to worry about making sure everyone has what they need.  It's not the same kind of looking forward to that I get when I know I get to go home after my shift, but it's a bright spot, despite the twelve-hour day.
Today I wore a pair of my Skechers that I'd gotten bored with one morning and decided to sew on various pieces from a pair of old Tripp pants I had laying around, as well as installing some screws so I could screw on a pair of metal plates I had made for the fronts.  Granted, I have no idea where the plates have gone now.
The fronts used to be painted black, but it's since worn off, prompting Ash to ask, "are they supposed to be dirty?"

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