Day two as Floor Person at Hicks; it's getting hot in the plant, the A/C doesn't work, and the machines are starting to protest. Due to the job on the metalizer acting up so much yesterday, and, consequently, today, we are now way behind schedule on these hellish parts and I had to run the parts myself for a little while today, as we were also short a few good men. After a while, Mario shut one of the presses down, and told Alecks to come over and run the machine for me so I could do my job (giving breaks and so forth). Alecks is the old Albanian who is definitely reputable as being one of the slower operators (though, given our current stock on operators, you take what you can get), and so I found myself wondering if I might lose my promotion due to necessity (I went past Nick and said, "So, you miss me being on this thing yet?" and he sorta smirked, and rolled his eyes at Alecks).
As I've got a lot of similar pairs of Skechers, I figured I'd get them out of the way early on, so I can get into some of my more interesting pairs. The ones I chose for today are actually the last version they did in this style, and it occurred to me a bit later in the day that our quality control lady wears a pair that are very similar (luckily I don't own that particular pair). if I think of it, I'll see about getting a picture for comparison.
Also, due to the heat starting to get to me, I decided to rid myself of my pesky leg hair. It honestly didn't make a huge difference, though Ash seems to think it's "adorable" that I do it. Not so sure about that...

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