Sunday, June 5, 2011

DPoSED Experiment: Day Eight

For the third day in a row this week, I didn't go to class.  I was too tired, and just couldn't find the motivation to drag myself to class.  It's not that I couldn't wake up; I got up with plenty of time, and I left the house well before I had to be there, but for some reason I just couldn't convince myself to go.  Maybe it's just been an off week; we'll see next week.
Day three of me on the floor began with the painful realization that the job that had been acting up on the metalizer was, once again, running on the metalizer.  Ah, and something I forgot yesterday, but we also have a new guy: Anthony.  He initially struck me as someone who would be pretty self-sufficient; he's a little older, and looks like he's got some experience (maybe).  Now, he strikes me as someone who is a little out of it.  He kind of has this "surfer-dude" way of going about things, which kind of throws me off.  He's also a pain to train, as he gets angry if people keep telling him to not do something that his insists on doing.  We'll see how long he lasts...
I also started having doubts about my ability to perform my job as Floor Person today.  Everyone expects me to just knows things now, and I'm getting material work thrown at me, too.  it's a bit stressful, especially when I need to stage things, someone has left a hi-lo in the middle of the aisle I need to get through, and Mario is too busy fighting with a machine that refuses to cooperate to even fix another machine that was running, let alone move a hi-lo ten feet so I can get through.  I'll give it another week, and see how I feel about it; I feel I'm meant more to just do the jobs, not show other people how to.
Today I also volunteered to stay over an additional four hours, despite my early warning to never do that.  I was to be running M2 again, and after the eight hours of working the floor, I needed something easy to calm my nerves.  It felt good to be doing one thing for four hours. 
In keeping with my initial plan, I opted for another pair of my Skechers, this time the very first version that they came out with.  Despite my colourful choice of laces, Ash said they were just too plain and she didn't like them, which is fine, since I don't really want to get rid of these.
Also had a, as Sean put it, "much needed talk" with Ash during her lunch, and after I'd completed my twelve hour shift.  Got some things out in the open and probably came out with a better understanding of each other as a result.

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