Sunday, June 5, 2011

DPoSED Experiment: Sick Day

Some Friday this turned out to be.  Things started on a bit of a sour note with Ash texting me, and me being asleep at Nixie's house due to being so tired from the night before's work.  This, I'm told, led to a huge text argument between Ash, Gloria, Stef and Nixie.  All of this before I woke up, in fact.  I had some hint of it, as I was half-awake, and Nixie said something like, "why is she still texting you?" and I maybe mumbled something and went back to sleep.
I woke up later to her acting very strangely, and found that both Ash and Stef's numbers had been deleted out of my phone, along with any of the texts she may have sent, and that I'd recieved.  I didn't much feel like dealing with her prying, as I was undeniably sicker than I had been the night before, so I went home, and proceeded to try to get some rest, while still talking to her via text message.
Truth be told, I'm sick of her blowing up on Ash every time she talks to me; I've made remarkable progress as a result of talking to Ash (and Sean, also, but I think at this point that's just a given).  And so I pretty much just told her that I was choosing Sean and Ash's friendship over our "relationship".  She didn't take it especially well, but seemed to get over it towards the end of the day, though I suspect I'm not out of the woods yet.
I called in sick to work today, on account of my throwing up repeatedly this morning, and pretty much stayed in bed all day, so I didn't really count this as a day for the experiment.  Instead, for the half hour in which I actually went out and did anything (mostly just went out and fetched my computer, which I had let Nixie use on account of both hers being fried), I decided to test out some of the repair work I had done on Ash's shoes, as I'd finally gotten around to installing the second heel-patch on them today.  I figured it was also good symbolism for my decision today, even if me wandering around in some girl's shoes does sorta seem a little weird.  Mostly, they reminded me that I have people in my life right now that I can count on to be there.
Woo, we work Saturday this week.

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